Reimbursement Manager, the Web based ERN management system, is ready to help you make sense of your claim payment and denial situation.



Find out which payers, patients and service codes are causing you to leave your claim payments on the table.
Warehouse your ERN data to a secure facility while making it instantly accessible to your staff for secondary claim submission, management reporting, and denial identification and claim correction.
Click here to try Reimbursement Manager, FREE for 15 days.

Major Features

- Web based solution - No software to purchase.
- Works with any payer, any billing system.
- HIPPA 5010 ready.
- Low cost system.
- Safe secure ERN backup and warehouse.
- Trend analysis.
- Industry comparative analysis.
- Automated appeal form creation.
- Automated ERN file upload.
- User administration capablitilies.
- Free trial period available.
- Intuitive system is easy to use with minimal training required.
- Instant access to uploaded ERN data.
- Ad hoc data selection with export to Excel capability.
- EOB lookup in seconds by patient, payer or check.
- Management Reporting - View payment and denial data in several formats.
- Early warning denial report - instant analysis of uploaded files.
- Denial grouping by denial code, service code, or patient.
- Capability to limit user access by provider and / or payer.